More than a Hobby
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A CSX auto rack runs through South Akron in a scene similar to what I saw as a kid |
I was flipping through the April edition of Railfan and Railroad magazine the other day and in one of the commentaries it was basically put that railfanning is one form of a persons work and entertainment for others. I can relate to this for the most part from the perspective of being entertained by the immensity and power of the motive power and the freight cars that are moved across the country everyday. It began with the walks me and my dad would take up to the end of the street while walking our dog, if we heard a train horn blowing for South street ( I was to young to know this at the time) we would wait and in a few minutes here we would see a train emerge from under the Main Street bridge and I would be treated to seeing a train. Over the years on various occasions I would go out with my dad not really railfanning but he would go to places there would be a probability of seeing one go by. Fast forward to my high school years when I would walk the old Erie right of way on my way to school this is where I began meeting some of the fine gentlemen who not only worked for the railroad but opened up the door for me to get a few glimpses and a few cab rides along the way. It wasn't till a few years ago I was introduced to the thin line in the sand that has been drawn over the past couple of years. The thin line of love and hate between railfans and railroad employees. This line had been blurred for years but has sharpened recently due to the rules and regulations changing and how railroads manage things like liability and employees. One of the lines that has gotten more blurry is the line of respect and with social media that has to me been a fan to the flames. As railfans we have lost the respect of the fact that out entertainment is someones way of feeding their family, and as professional railroaders that this is someones passion and hobby. Have we gotten away from the basics of life and the moral principals of mutual respect? Now we have railfans climbing on locomotives parked and trespassing to get shots when most of the time it could be as simple as stopping into the office and asking permission. While most of the time it maybe a no but that could turn into a yes if you were to say thank you and move along your merry way. Most of the old guys used to be able to just walk up to the engine houses and get pictures but that has gone by the wayside and now is criminal offense. Railroaders have gotten bitter over being photographed due to the fact that he or she may lose their job over a picture, Let me give you a good example: Per-say you were watching the local crew switching on a hot summer day and in the last rays of evening sun you see the conductor remove his safety glasses and wipe the sweat from his brow, you snap a picture and post it online for your buddies to see but there is one slight problem. You just posted the picture for the world to see including government agencies such as the FRA who would love to fine the crap out of the railroads for you guessed it, the conductor not having his safety glasses on. Now you may wonder how someone could get in trouble for just taking a few seconds to wipe sweat? Well it is your proof of him not having his glasses on at the moment you clicked the shutter, now you just have handed them the proof to not only fine the railroad but the employee as well and cost him or her their job. Such actions can build irreparable damage between railfans and railroads but also between management and employees. What am trying to get at here is let's all begin to respect each other and begin to think about the consequences of our actions. Some pictures need not to be taken and not all of them need to be put on social media. Next time you point your camera at a employee think about he is trying to make a living and are you willing to risk this over a picture? Better yet what if is was you in their shoes would you want someone trading your lively hood, risking your family, your life and sometimes the only way of surviving over a picture? Let's begin to work together and remember friends God is still in control until next time take care.
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