I know it has been a while since my last post, to be honest with you I just have been busy with work and other things that has kept me from the tracks. During my unwanted sabbatical I managed to get a few minutes in with the trains. The first being when I went on a fishing trip with our family ( this was a wanted trip by the way, not to be included in the unwanted sabbatical) during that trip we crossed a set of tracks belonging to the Wheeling and Lake Erie and I heard a train on the scanner as we packed up to head home. I figured that the train would be by us by the time we got to the crossing, but that would prove me wrong as I approached the crossing I looked out the window and saw the train about a quarter of a mile away. Stopping the van on the other side of the tracks I grabbed my camera and ran back toward the tracks (this has been a little easier since I have been walking and losing some poundage) with only seconds to compose the shot I managed to get this picture.
Wheeling in the country |
Now one of the biggest struggles I face is getting past my own criticizing The above picture I thought first would not ever make it onto railpictures.net nevertheless make 3rd place for peoples choice, but once again one of my let's see what happens next turned out into my favor. After this picture the only thing that week rolling in decent light and still became a cloudy day shot, was of this Gevo stopped waiting on traffic to clear up on a westbound mixed freight.
Hustle Muscle |
Other than shooting some video of trains I have done little or no photography of trains either it has been raining or I just haven't had the drive to take pictures. However that changed the other day when I went with my buddy Dave, most of the time my Saturdays are busy helping out at the local hobby shop and a few Saturdays ago I got off early and with nothing to do I went and decided to watch the rails rust here in Akron, that is when we heard the Wheeling Dispatcher give the train Id: 262 a track warrant to run to Canton and Brewster with a short chase we waited about 25 minutes only to find out he was by where we had intended to shoot so with them doing 15mph it was easy to catch up to them and get ahead to where I got this next shot of it passing Canton tin plate.
Almost the perfect shot |
After this the only railfanning I have done is in the early morning before work other than this past Sunday when I went out after church and caught this Eastbound auto carrier as it passed through Akron.
Just another Gevo on the move |
As the auto train moved through I sat in my van and thought about a lot of things that as happened this past couple of weeks, one of them was the fact that I was told by my boss and some of my co-workers I was wasting my time with photography and especially with the trains and I needed to pursue a career in which truly I am not happy just because it might pay good. This past Sunday I made the choice to pursue my passion of trains whether or not I get paid, ever reach a level of fame, or even if nobody ever likes my posts ever again, it is something I enjoy doing and will continue doing. This brings me to my final thoughts Most of us think we should take the path that others set before us just because they mean well, and for the most part they do. However only you can be responsible for your happiness and achieving what you desire. Most of us (myself included) has compromised settling for friendships, relationships, and other things just because someone said it would fit us better to do so or it is what we feel would be the only thing we had to settle for and that my friends is where unhappiness, hurt, lies, and other troubles begin it isn't the fact that we are unhappy it is the fact that we lie to ourselves that we can't do any better and to tell the truth you can't do any better until you quit lying to yourselves and begin to face the challenges head on. Until next time take care and remember God is still in control
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