A touch of insanity

I know it has been a while since my last post, to be honest with you I just have been busy with work and other things that has kept me from the tracks. During my unwanted sabbatical I managed to get a few minutes in with the trains. The first being when I went on a fishing trip with our family ( this was a wanted trip by the way, not to be included in the unwanted sabbatical) during that trip we crossed a set of tracks belonging to the Wheeling and Lake Erie and I heard a train on the scanner as we packed up to head home. I figured that the train would be by us by the time we got to the crossing, but that would prove me wrong as I approached the crossing I looked out the window and saw the train about a quarter of a mile away. Stopping the van on the other side of the tracks I grabbed my camera and ran back toward the tracks (this has been a little easier since I have been walking and losing some poundage) with only se...