One thing for certain is change is inevitable, Trains change tracks, direction, and symbols so it should be to no surprise that eventually I would have to change the format of my blog. I made the changes due to wanting to simply make the blog better and easier to read on mobile devices. Also I just got sick and tired of trying to keep the description and links from running into the pictures or the actual writing. Like when trains change tracks a bulletin is issued giving a detailed description of what changes the crew can expect so hopefully this post can be as such. Let's take a look at some of the new changes.........
Screen shot with some Descriptions |
For you desk-toppers, or those who have a laptop and read my post from them there are some neat features to look at. The first feature to the left is a side bar featuring all of my post from the most recent all the way back to the beginning. Also another neat feature is to the right the little black bar, mouse over it and it pops out giving you a menu with the about me, google plus, badges etc. move the mouse away and it tucks neatly out of the way. How bout that...... Also new menu gives you the options to change the layout to better suit your searching tastes let's go over a few of the options.
Magazine Style |
If you like to look at magazines this is your cup of tea, coffee, or whatever you drink it is just a simplified overview of my posts and opens up into neat book style page with links below much cleaner and simpler to read.
Snapshot View |
For those of you that remember a picture better than a name this layout could be the one for you it shows pictures from my blog and in a kinda neat Polaroid style to boot. While this post is not a full blown detail packed post it is designed to help you navigate the changes, go ahead play around with it you can't hurt or damage it I hope you enjoy the changes. Some new things are coming along with this new format one of these things include larger pictures and video. Now enough of talking about this blog let's talk about a small but positive change you can make in someones life and sometimes it will change yours. Always speak and say hello to someone, if they look down tell them you love them sometimes these things are the things people need to hear and know at at least someone cares, something that is not done enough nowadays. Until next time take care and remember God is still in control Love Ya.
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