Good Evening my friends, This week has been about a lot of change for me, good change. I would like to open up and let you know a little more of me, for the most part I used to either ride my bike, the bus, or rely on other railfans to be able to go to trackside. For the most part I was out in the weather 90% of the time whether it be freezing cold or pouring rain, you name it, I was out there in it. Well this week I was able to get my first car and drive to work and trackside, but Saturday morning became the moment I found out what I was really missing by being a groundhog type of individual. I rose up at my usual time of 4:15am got my bag and thermos packed for what I hoped would be a decent morning trackside. As I headed out the door and started my vehicle and allowed the windows to defrost, I sat feeling in a sense guilty as I was doing something I never had the privilege to attempt before. After my windows cleared I backed out on the driveway and went on my way.
The first stop was at my usual spot ( kinda out of habit I guess)
A crispy morning |
After visiting the spot ( I decided to break from the norm) I went up and sat at the the usual field where most railfans set on the East side of the tracks. Shortly after my arrival I Heard the Q299 clearing Broad Blvd. Deciding to go to another spot I started the car and drove the two blocks North to get this shot.
Q299 Blowing the frost off the rails |
I got back in the car and turned on the heat and waited till his tail end cleared then I went back to the field and sat when I heard double trouble come over scanner. First I heard the Q137 at Broad and then the G092 at Lambert almost perfect timing for a meet being that I would miss one or the other (or so I thought) Well it just turned out the G092 got to me the first and thankfully had a shorter train than the Q137 plus the hill slowing the Westbound Q137 helped out considerably.
The Eastbound Grain Train |
So with the tail end of the grain train turning the corner I hear the Q137 turning the corner and calling the signal ( some would call it a Luck break I call divine favor) I got ready and recomposed to get the shot of the Westbound intermodal.
Q137 on a beautiful Saturday morning |
As the 137 rolled past I was in company of another railfan named Bob now Bob I had met many years ago and instantly we struck up a conversation and was just like two old friends who knew each other. As the 137's rear cleared us we heard the Q394 Clear Barberton, Bob asked me if I wanted to to go over to another spot a couple of miles away I said sure so I Started the car and followed Bob to the location. Now at that moment I realized was driving, following a veteran railfan who has more than 50 years experience and out shooting trains on my own accord I can say it really was a moment to live for. We arrived just in the nick of time and snagged the eastbound.
Q394 with one of the locals walking to his destination |
Now I had to go get a haircut so I broke off from Bob and went my way but had a great day to reflect upon.
Yesterday provided a couple more trains after work and afforded the ability to shoot more locations around the city here I was able to catch the Q296 and the Q641 almost back to back
Q641 Also know as the garbage Zephyr |
Q296 with a lady conductor aboard |
With my new found freedom comes a great appreciation not only for being able to drive but for those whom took the time to come and get me either form my house or the spot I usually sit at. Which brings me to my final point and my wisdom I am leaving you with. All winter long I hoped, wished for a car many times taking the bus, walking, being out in the cold missing trains due to having to catch the bus had been getting me down. Honestly I was considering giving up at times but if you get discouraged just think of this one. Thursday morning I took the bus into work like I always did and Friday morning I was able to drive and enjoy a morning with Fred in a vehicle that is paid for in full and in good mechanical order. God can bless you just that quickly and without much notice. Until next time take care and remember God is still in control.
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