I have to admit it has been a while since I last posted here, but lack time and lack of trains has kept me from having any content until now. For the most part the tracks I like to fan have seen a decrease in traffic like most of the railroads things come and go in spurts. Ups and downs are no stranger to the men and women who work the high iron. So what is one to do without trains and suitable weather? I decided to get creative. I recently acquired a fisheye lens, why, and what is a fisheye? Well the reason why is I wanted to do something different and be a little creative , now what is a fisheye? A fisheye is a special effects lens that distorts a picture into a circular scene on my Canon 70D this is a interesting 185 degree field of view. The one I have is a Lensbaby this is a meager and affordable lens that is full manual, meaning this lens has no electronics so you must shoot in full manual mode (something I do anyhow).
Q015 with the Fisheye |
The above picture was the first train shot with the lens, I did some test shots with the lens prior to the Q015's arrival. Once I heard him call the signal about a half of a mile from me I set the shot and waited for him to come into the frame. Now the challenges this lens provides is one you only get maybe three shots to get it right and second, you have to find the angle in order not to distort the train but keep it parallel to the scene so everything looks somewhat normal.
D750 Second through the bubble |
Now second behind the Q015 was our local the D750 I re-positioned myself slightly to get the glare coming off the E.J. Thomas hall shooting into full filtered sun helped make this pic really stand out. By now you maybe wondering how I am getting that really neat frame around the pic? The Lensbaby has the first few inches of the inside of the lens polished to reflect the scene and create the frame.
Q375 Looking West |
Now given it was a few days in between these pictures when I decided to hang out after work and wait for the Q375 the only one that day came while I was trackside and this took some creative yoga positioning to try and get rid of a offending handrail and you can just barely see my leg in the shot but it was better than the handrail, this the last train I shot for that week. The next week would not only bring another picture I would get on Railpics.net but would get me on our local news.
Q015 in the snow |
Now this picture almost did not happen, let me explain. That Monday we decided by the weather reports to have a 2 hour delay going into work. I was on my way into work when I heard the Q015 on the radio about 2 miles out, knowing he would be there shortly I decided to run up the Mill street bridge with 35 pounds of camera gear on my back ( I now regret the additional 35 pounds I have packed on eating). Once into position I set myself up and waited and it seemed at the right moment it began to snow slightly enough to add the perfect touch to the picture. I came home that evening and submitted it to our local weather person who shared it on the 5 o'clock news. Now of all days we did not for some unknown reason watch the news and missed it but I got plenty of messages on FB and from my friends that saw it. With this I am closing out now we are getting more daylight and traffic seems to be picking up I probably will have more content to post and you know I can't leave without giving you some wisdom. This season has taught me three things Patience, Stamina, and the fact that if you keep trying someone is going to take notice. No matter what you try in life keep at it even when it seems rough and tough. Remember it isn't about how quickly or how grand you try and make it but, it is that you always give it your best shot and that you remember God is in control. Until next time take care.
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