The Drive

Good Evening my friends, This week has been about a lot of change for me, good change. I would like to open up and let you know a little more of me, for the most part I used to either ride my bike, the bus, or rely on other railfans to be able to go to trackside. For the most part I was out in the weather 90% of the time whether it be freezing cold or pouring rain, you name it, I was out there in it. Well this week I was able to get my first car and drive to work and trackside, but Saturday morning became the moment I found out what I was really missing by being a groundhog type of individual. I rose up at my usual time of 4:15am got my bag and thermos packed for what I hoped would be a decent morning trackside. As I headed out the door and started my vehicle and allowed the windows to defrost, I sat feeling in a sense guilty as I was doing something I never had the privilege to attempt before. After my windows cleared I backed out on the driveway ...