It never hurts Part 2

         I'm Gonna be up front there is just no pictures in this blog but just some common sense pointers about railfanning safely. One of the biggest challenges we face as railfans is staying safe, while we are out there we maybe dangers that we are unaware to until it happens.

In the neighborhood: No this is not a episode of Mr. Rodgers but it is as equally important to be aware of your surroundings. One of the best pieces of advice I can offer is keep the earbuds out of your ears, not only does this block your ability to hear an oncoming train it can also block out bad people who want to do harm.  Second please for safety sake never fan the tracks in the industrial side of town with the friendly crack dealer on the corner or basically if it is known as the rough side of town try and stay away or make sure you have someone to ride along.

Out of sight out of mind:    Keep your cameras and gear out of sight, yes that fine new Canon T5I you got for Christmas hanging round your neck while you play on your I-Phone. Ask any 10 police officers robberies either fall into three categories one the person is known, Drug related, but most of the time 65% it is a crime of opportunity or desperation so keep it hidden under a coat or simply tucking it under your arm helps but the best is to keep it in your car in your camera bag and out of sight. Also if you plan on going into a fast food restaurant, Gas station, Lock your car doors and put it in the trunk  if you plan on being in for a while. Once again it never hurts to err on the side of caution.

Visibility: While I am divided on railfans imitating railroad crews one good thing could come out of it. What  is that? Well Glad you asked many times I fan near a small paper mill and there are plenty of trucks and cars round and yes I have had some close calls with vehicles and with distracted drivers now and days wearing bright and or is well worth the effort put. Plus it may deter someone from messing with  bright green coat wearing foamer.

Weather: With record breaking storms and weather one thing I can say is to pay attention to the sky and weather reports. With all the weather apps out there you shouldn't be surprised by bad storms but if you do not get cell service the app maybe will not update. so always stay tuned to the local weather band on your scanner if skies begin to look bad. I would rather miss the train symbol than the tornado warning.

Dress appropriate:  Dress for the occasion if it is hot out have hat and sunscreen unless you like being lobster boy or girl. If you are planning to walk in the weeds plan on long pants many hidden dangers lurk from thorn bushes, to ticks, to discarded metal that could inflict a nasty wound. Second if you are out in cold weather wear multiple layers instead of one coat this does two things, first it keeps you drier and second it keeps you insulated and warm. On a 18 deg weather day I have on a pair of long john pants and underwear, Blue jeans, a long T-shirt,  hoodie, and a Carrhart jacket. Insulated gloves with liners and  a half face Ski mask and for safety sake with the cops do not wear  full face ski masks this is just asking for trouble. Also if you get cold make sure  you have a place nearby to warm up simply put use some common sense.

Plan ahead: The most simple thing is to plan ahead Charge your cell phone, take plenty water and any medicines you need to take. In my bag I keep  small first aid kit and candy (for anyone with blood sugar) a flash light, knife and multi tool, along with a towel you can wet these in the summer to cool someone with heat exhaustion and in the winter to warm light  frostbite and also to act as a tourniquet for any bad cuts should the need to arise. Along with this I carry some Benadryl ( I am allergic to bee stings) for any allergic reactions. One thing I seen  a friend carry is a small can of wasp spray this comes in handy if you get attack by bees or any other predator it shoots up to 25 feet and will stop just about any thing. Also one thing to pick up is  pair of family band radios not only they are affordable with headset under 80 bucks for a good set with ear buds but also feature weather alert functions and come in handy if you get separated from friends by a moving train or shoot from multiple locations.

Think Healthy:  Yes this is my final thing pack you a lunch sometimes while it is nice to eat out it is not always the best option. you can freeze water bottles and use them to cool the food and a salad has never hurt anyone make wiser choices and you will live longer and healthier.

While it is most likely if you follow what has worked for me in the two part series you will have no problems chasing trains. One final note keep your ID on you not only will it help law enforcement finding out who you are but it may just save your life. Also I notify the officer if I am approached where my wallet is and ask if I can get it. Also be polite that cop probably has better things to do than be bothered with you and just a little politeness goes a long way and can not only keep you out of Jail but also from getting your butt kicked by the cops. It never hurts to err on the side of caution if you still dare to be buster bad ass just make sure you know Jesus because at one point you and St. Peter will have a meeting. Remember God is still in control and take care

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