This week I am straying a bit from the norm and taking a trip down memory lane.
This past weekend I heard the story from my buddy of Chuck our local Stone train engineer taking the time to talk to a young man and showing him some kindness.
Chuck Talking to the young Lad (photo by Dave Setting) |
With this it brings back a flood of memories back to my senior year in high school. For many years I would walk the old Erie ROW and watch the trains through rain, snow, you name it. I remember it almost like it was yesterday it was a cold January afternoon I was walking along a train that had stopped and was waiting for a signal. I began talking to the engineer and he invited me up into the cab, to say I was elated would be a understatement. As We talked the crew gave me a crew pack which included the norm of ear plugs and napkins, but what happened next took me by surprise totally while most seniors in High school had pictures of them standing on various backdrops, the conductor of the train asked me for my camera, got off and took my picture on the nose of the old C40-8, handed me $20 and said have fun. While we had boarded back on the engine they got the clear signal and the engineer took me up the 3/4 mile run to the end of my street (my first train ride on a freight train). As I hopped off I thanked the crew and we went on our separate ways never to see each other again but oh the memories. I had the pictures developed and to say the least had the most interesting senior pics of the class. A day in my opinion was one for the record and one I would never forget. This week I am going to make short but here is some of the highlights, I saw the usual, the rock train, The Q137, Q138, the Q259, and the K043 while spending time with my good friend Fred.
Q253 splits the Signals |
For the most part it was the same old story but I was able to catch some interesting catches. I caught a locomotive missing some of it's lettering on the nose.
Someone's missing their X |
Caught the stone train move making a late afternoon run.
Z642 running long hood forward |
As I close this weeks post out I was reminded of my first encounter with a train crew by the story of Chuck. While the picture is long gone ( lost to a flood in the basement) the memory is still there and while I am looking forward to this weeks trains I have to say I have been blessed to be able to keep on doing the thing I love the most and that is watching the action out on the High Iron. As you know I do not like to close out this blog without leaving some food for thought, here is something to ponder on. In any circumstance there are a million and one ways something can work out, but God just has to pick one ( just think about that!! ) Take care my friends and remember God is still in control.
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