The Directive
"A wise man gets more use from his enemies that a fool does from his friends"
~Baltasar Gracian
There is more truth to the above statement than I would like to admit. I first off want to apologize to my loyal followers for my abrupt abandonment of my blog. It was with a great deal of personal anguish that I had to quit blogging at the request of my now former employer. If you remember back to my last post I had mentioned about how my job provided me with the opportunity to watch trains but soon the skies would darken not physically, but metaphorically speaking the storm was on the horizon and it didn't look good. Shortly after my last blog post my new manager called me into the office and had me write down exactly what I did and once I did that, a new directive was written this included for me to stop all social media, train, ham radio, and other activities not related to work as it was a distraction to my work in his eyes.
One of the few Auto racks I was able to photograph |
I just wanted to get away and to come back to a semi normal life of what I knew before this madness. The beginning of this year my new job has given me a lot more hours so I haven't made it back trackside, but that should change shortly now that we are getting into better weather and more daylight I hope you can find it in your heart to come back to my blog here as it will be an exciting summer season to come.
Thanks everyone I look forward to hearing back from you.
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