A Little on the light side

Since my last post nothing much has changed except now I am seeing a few more trains during the early morning hours and more daytime trains. The Monday before last was my 35th birthday and so cold even the penguins had on hats and coats. Faced with -19 deg windchill I ventured out and into one of my spots where I know I could stay warm safely before going to work. Not soon after I arrived, and poured my cup of coffee the scanner cackled and K145 was within radio range. Staying in my warm spot until he was about 7 minutes away I did most of my prep work in the warmth to get ready before attempting to go out in the brutal and dangerous cold. ( On a side note do not try this unless you are well prepared because at these temps frostbite can happen in minutes) Once outside I finished setting up and as K145 called the last signal before my location I knew he would be stopping. Hearing R394 Clearing the interl...