The week before it had been a rain train mostly raining up into even on Saturday. For the most part I had some heavy personal changes to make some involved leaving places I had been at for years. Friday morning I made up my mind to start making some changes regardless of how they hurt me. for the most part it has worked out great so far minus a few times I seemed to want to go right back into trying to fix something I know I can't fix. But enough of my Rambling here is my week in a nutshell. Sunday I went to a new church and the cool thing was I have a couple of friends there already and it is close to the tracks so I can catch some iron on the way home or just sit and meditate on what was preached. So Sunday after church I decided to go trackside it seemed dull at first with the Q358 being the only one and the light being totally wrong I just sat and watched his train roll by. After him I knew something was amiss as the westbound signals were lined up but no trains and the other side was a dead stop indication I knew there was a train close but how close I did not know. After the tail end of the 358 cruised past I decided to see what was lurking down on the wheeling for the stone train and came upon this fine unit here..
The outbound stone train |
As I was making my way down one of the local railfans shouted get the hell out of my way, it was a good thing I know this guy has a odd sense of humor so I let it slide. As I took my pictures He informed me of what I had already had assumed there was a train up two signal blocks away with a loaded coal train and a BNSF/Union Pacific lash-up oh boy this seemed to be my day I took off back to my spot and after being there for about 15 minutes here came the N817 slugging it out on the hill past me A friendly toot of the horn and they were on their way west.
N817 plays tug of war with it's coal train |
Onto Monday I missed a Q299 as I decided to play around with our stone train awaiting the crew to move it
A Former GATX is the leader today |
After him I hear the Q353 calling signals a few miles out so I hurry up to a spot I like to shoot from in the winter light and early afternoon I get there just about 2 minutes before he did I grabbed my camera and went to set up the shot when I got a card read error (this happens rarely as I format the card every morning) I turned the camera off pull the card and turned the camera on and off again by this time his headlights was in full view I turned the camera on only to find the cards write protection switch was on (must have did it with my gloves) well they rolled past and I missed it but I heard the Q138 clear the signal just before the one I was at well I knew it would be 7:48 about the time he would be there and I was right, he was.
Q138 on the 8's |
After him Wed was my day off and raining so I chose not to go out Thursday was a different day for me it was in the Morning a Q276 and another Q138
The Q276 before the second Q138 this week |
Thursday afternoon I got off work and heard my buddy with the stone train and decided to hightail it to my spot I set up for a perfectly sunny shot and along came a cloud and messed things up fortunately I saved it in editor is it perfect ? no, am I happy with it? not really but I am satisfied.
The Z642 with filtered sun causing the odd light |
I had some close to trackside running to do and decided to lurk considering I saw a coal train on my way back so I sat with one of our local fans when the Q389 come rolling by and of course the afternoon clouds.
The clouds and the Q389 notice some of the track equipment just to the right of the picture |
After the 389 came the Q016 came by and by that time I was getting hungry and the clouds seemed to thicken again but to my advantage because that time is horrible for eastbounds.
The Q016 rolling by |
After the Q016 got by I decided to go home it was getting colder and the Q137 was crossing over and I just was not going to stay out any longer plus I was getting hungrier so I decided to pack it in for the day. Friday brought out the K914 and the Q138 again so I decided to shoot the K914 from another bridge in town on my way into work and that pretty much summed up my week trackside as I had errands after work to run and also some yard-work to do today.
The K914 early in the morning |
For the most part I have accepted the changes well some I had to make based on some that others have made and that my friends is to me the biggest act of faith making the changes and trusting God in the midst of trouble, loss, pain, and of making the right choices in spite of our feelings. When we have to make that decision and yes that can be more painful than we like, But remember this there is sun after the rain healing after the pain and we have to trust God and his timing to make things work out in our life. Until next time take care love y'all take care thanks for reading.
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