This week has been a wet one, Monday was about the only dry day I had, Last week I was able to catch a few while trying to keep dry here is a wrap up of my week. Monday began with no trains and dry weather Tuesday started dry and began with the Q216 rolling east and shorty after him came the Q297.
Q216 rolls through a Beautiful Sunrise |
Q297 |
Wednesday I spent most of my day talking to a Canon tech of why my camera was acting up as the pics above not only seemed soft but slightly out of focus. A software update and some changes to the settings made it better. Thursday I had to beat the rain in in which I did and caught the Q138 and the K920 I Flubbed the pics as I was trying to keep myself safe from some drug addicts using within eyesight of me and not caring that they were on a highly visible main road meant they obviously either stoned out of their mind or crazy or both either way I was not trying to take any chances and kept my camera hidden till seconds before the Q138 came
Q138 In the rain |
After our favorite ones moved on past me I began to rain even harder as K920 came west
K920 in the rain |
As Friday rolled in the rain stopped but the clouds made for some interesting pictures I only saw one train that morning that was the Q253 I of course wanted to focus on the clouds more than the train but I got the shot I wanted however it did not turn out quite like I envisioned it due to my 18-55mm lens dying causing it to lose focus and become Grainy due to it not finding it's f-stop oh well.
Q253 |
Well the weekend was spent cleaning and trying to salvage my dead lens. While I am glad this week and weekend is over hopefully this next week brings me better however I will not complain about rain, some people find it to be a burden I do not, it makes things grow so as I had rain both in the physical and in my life I know it only makes me grow. As always Remember GOD is still in Control and if you liked Please Subscribe.
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