
Showing posts from April, 2015

2 Blessed to be Stressed (The Never Factor)

 Personally I have been one to wonder, wonder if it is true, wonder if I did a good enough job, wonder if it is going to work out. This picture has a lot of personal meaning for me, it was taken on a day that while it was sunny and warm it was cold, dark and rainy in my life. It was a matter of the heart is all I am going to say and while this matter has yet to go in my favor for any length of time, it was a day that changed the game not only for me as a railfan but personally as well. K055 on a Sunny Sunday Day This day I have to say I was at my wits end I had been praying and fasting for a weekend and I was sick emotionally, Spiritually, and physically from doing this the first time. I had only saw a eastbound that day after church I was bound to give up when something in my spirit said hang on. A few minutes later K055 called the radio, I was able to get into the position and get the shot when I heard the Lord say you had the faith to hold out for this one why not the o...

Weather or Not

      This week has been nothing unusual for me but the weather sure has been interesting Monday began dark and gloomy, but as soon as my arrival at my spot here come my buddy Chuck rolling by with the SW and a ABC Rwy transfer. Z641 in the Ominous Sky As soon as the 641's tail end rolled by I was on the move down to the interchange to catch him again. It is a easy chase that can be repeated again and again, once down at the interchange I caught the crew again and here is a scene I never get tired of seeing the conductor having to flag the crossing so they can make the necessary reverse moves to get onto the Wheeling track. Stopping Traffic   After they got onto the track it was time for work and of course you guessed it the sun came out perfect, Oh well, Tuesday was quiet except for Carl who stopped by my spot and two CSX East-bounds One Train the E812 sporting a BNSF pair. E812 with Pumpkins  Tuesday marked also the end of a Era a...

A Shave and a Haircut Fifteen cents

         If April Showers bring May flowers then we are getting a bath here in NE Ohio and should be expecting and a abundance of flowers this year no excuses, with all this rain somethings gotta grow. Monday Began a bright sunny day due to me trying to lurk around my usual spot I almost missed the rock train but caught it anyhow (talk about favor) and shot this Dramatic shot of the W&LE#4003 that was to lead the stone train that day. 4003 on the connection track after shoving up the hill After grabbing him I scooted off to work for the day. Tuesday brought me hearing them moving light power to go up to the interchange to the CSX to go pick up the empties with Jeremy at the throttle. Here is Jeremy and one of the main reasons I love this hobby `~ Cool guys like him. Jeremy looking cool After the conductor tossed the switch they moved up the interchange I knew Fred would catch him at the office me I decided to do the Deja~vu a...

The Rainmaker

This week has been a wet one, Monday was about the only dry day I had, Last week I was able to catch a few while trying to keep dry here is a wrap up of my week. Monday began with no trains and dry weather Tuesday started dry and began with the Q216 rolling east and shorty after him came the Q297. Q216 rolls through a Beautiful Sunrise Q297 Wednesday I spent most of my day talking to a Canon tech of why my camera was acting up as the pics above not only seemed soft but slightly out of focus. A software update and some changes to the settings made it better. Thursday I had to beat the rain in in which I did and caught the Q138 and the K920 I Flubbed the pics as I was trying to keep myself safe from some drug addicts using within eyesight of me and not caring that they were on a highly visible main road meant they obviously either stoned out of their mind or crazy or both either way I was not trying to take any chances and kept my camera hidden till seconds before the Q13...

A year later and a little wiser

I deliberately held back this weeks post because a year ago I began my new job and What would become my morning train  watching routine. While the year wound on some  Joys came and some sorrows would come as well. For the most part here has been my Journey. The first few Mornings before work I saw nothing but the afternoon after work led to me seeing some great stuff Afternoon Q299 Here was a year later Q253  A year later As time wore on spring came and so did the foreign power K055 With a BNSF consist  A Year later the power parade continues Q015 With BNSF Well Spring became summer and I was able to keep life on a even keel and enjoy my hobby in the little time my life had allowed for me to enjoy. Early Morning Auto Rack Summer afforded me some nights with little sleep and a chance to play with early morning night photos B&O CPL signal At night As the summer wound on so did new things some personal and some with my photography...

Life Less Ordinary

"The railfan is not an easy man to understand. Railroading for him is simply too big, too private, and too obvious an emotion to be able to explain it. Railroading requires friends, friends who understand its complexities and can explain its virtues, friends who without thought of reward are curious and concerned about this business of flanged wheels on steel rails. Friends who, for lack of a better word, might be called railfans." David P. Morgan   The above Quote is so true I haven't posted much due to my schedule and lack of Trains but I am back my friends and here is a collection of the trains I gathered this past week and a half. Most of my mornings consisted of seeing the morning usual's the Q138 and the 226 or the 276 depending on the  crew schedules and train operations. Monday I get off work and find the K375 sitting waiting on a signal by my work place so even though it was cloudy I learned never turn down the opportunity of a sitting train.  K375...