Pumpkins Warbonnets and Wings

       Today I am taking a little trip down memory lane, I live along the CSX Newcastle Sub Which begins in the CSX's Newcastle yard in Newcastle PA and ends in Greenwich Ohio at MP.192. For the most part the entire sub is a mix of urban and rural settings and provides the some of the best scenery one could ask for. While having a great mix of scenery, and spots to shoot from one of the best tings that the sub offers in my opinion is the fact we get a lot of foreign power. For the most part I have Seen BNSF, UP,CP And any other odd power mixed in I have also seen pictures others have gotten of KCS and others to name a few. Now although some of these trains are the usual CSX trains, the majority of them are on K or dedicated unit trains and add a nice treat to the usual trains I photograph.
K053 Rolls west on a sunny Sunday Afternoon
 While it is a nice Privilege to see the pumpkins as I call them roll through on the unit trains, it is a nice treat when they stick around for sometimes days or weeks on end and they aren't the only ones to dominate the landscape as you will soon see we get some old soldiers (fake-bonnets as some call them) that roam through from time to time
A pumpkin and a Fake bonnet on Q355
 Heck you might even catch one leading and it Might even be a warbonnet although they are seemingly rare and the odds are really stacked against you for catching one
Warbonnet on Q353
Remember I told you they can stick around  for days well here is Q355's pumpkin/fake-bonnet combo a few days later on Q352 and notice the odd door from a pumpkin and a air filter cover? Just another one of the few quirks of these older units.
Our Odd Fake-Bonnet/pumpkin unit On Q352

Now that I have discussed the pumpkins and warbonnets now it's time to fly, and no not in a airplane but with wings and the wings I am talking about grace the Union Pacific units that come through on a regular basis. Now you are more apt to catch these on a CSX train (don't ask me why) and leading to boot.
UP on a K516
Now If you want to fan the Newcastle sub this is a common occurrence and you are at least going to catch one of these fine examples that we are privileged  to witness and with this I am going to leave you with a going away shot of another one I forgot to mention but it is another treat and my buddy Dave's favorite is the BNSF/ BN Grinsteins that sometimes come along for the ride tough our town. 
BN Grinstein on K053
 I hope you enjoyed my Blog post as much as I have enjoyed writing it and remember if you can't see God working doesn't mean he isn't that is when he is the busiest in our lives. Until next time take care. 

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