Until you spread your wings You'll have no Idea how far you can walk

January 2015 has been a Journey already for the first part of this year I did not do much until the second week due to other projects. So Wed the 7th I decided to go trackside for the morning and get away from the insanity I call my life. As usual it was quiet my radio wasn't even squawking then the Signals at 130.5 lit up, hmmmm maybe I missed a call for a westbound but I didn't it was our local belt-line with the 1502 tugging three cars behind it creating a rolling blizzard
  As soon as they Cleared up into their yard at Barberton I heard Q253 calling the Signal before 130.5 Called AY I knew where I wanted to be for the shot, as I saw the signals light up I positioned myself for what was to come a rolling snow storm that would rival any lake effect squall that would come upon me that day. Within five minutes I saw 253's headlights and him kicking up snow as I got set to take the pic
As he Blew by me I got baptized in the white stuff coming off his auto carriers
If you haven't notice the Scripture used for the watermark it was one of those types of weeks I was beside myself again and things seemed rough it was cold too only 8 deg that morning I decided to wander over to my usual spot and sit for a while only problem with that is I got cold so I went into the the local university building that used to be the mecca for any train buff ( Quaker Square) That is when my buddy texted me  saying we had foreign power a Untouched Soo line unit About the time he got to me it was snowing like mad but I got him as he passed under the mill street bridge
  I got so excited to call another buddy east of me I forgot it was minus 3 wind chill I pulled my glove off and got mild Frostbite giving him a update. Within 15 minutes Q015 rounded the bend along with the snow he brought a polar vortex
While this brought a end to my morning trackside I thought I was flying high the next day after I got off work it seemed even better  Sunny Skies and colder than a wet polar bear I got a heads up on Q330 with a ex NS power leading on the heels of Q137 Here is Q137with a ex Conrail Leader
And Q330 minutes behind on his red restricting signals
Even catching one of the Engineers I know on FB running a train on Q640

Life Seemed good at this point I decided to pack it in for the day then I decided to get sick with a nasty cold right before my 34th birthday I decided I felt better Thursday and waited on Q137 again and got him before I went home
For the most part of the weekend I still kept my happy self indoors till my birthday on the 18th when all hell broke loose again. For the most part it was forgotten by most people close to me and one person whom I care for a whole lot decided to make it even worse by calling me everything but a child of God on my birthday I took off and caught S375 Idling waiting on a east bound
As if things couldn't be any worse it began to rain/snow as Q276 passed by
Feeling bad, down and out I packed it in after S375 rolled off into the west. Tuesday afternoon I caught Q355 rolling west
For the most part this year already has had it's ups and downs more downs than ups but I Know 2014 came in a little to calm and I know trouble don't last always as proven here by the last two trains I caught this month and here is one for the Record Q138 calls the signals at Firestone and the signals at Exchange Street and K045 calls Signal AY at Arlington street I am on the mill street bridge and know they are going to meet under the bridge no time to shoot both Blowing snow and freezing I decided to go with K045 and get rewarded with this Canadian Visitor on the point here is K045
Seconds Later Q138 pops out rolling east
With this I felt I kept you long enough but really I am glad January is over and I am looking to February I am going to start doing this blog weekly or even more just so I won't keep you so long but before I go I want to leave you with a word of encouragement. If you wonder what really kept me through it all Look at the Scriptures one I keep is Psalms 35:22 because Like I get to see some God's sees it all and that is all that matters my friends. Until the next time I will catch you on the flip-side and remember keep trying to make it epic.   


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