Blowing into the wind

The Friday before this past Friday began my return to what I consider a normal schedule, for the most part work has taken up most of my time trackside and had cut into my other train hobbies pretty severely. So Wednesday afternoon I get off work and go get gas and begin the drive to my usual spot where I park, the weather wasn't the best it was windy and cold ( need I mention that we had tornado warnings at 6 in the morning) so the weather was definitely not the best. Tired and beat down from work some hope had sprang through when some of the clouds began to clear and the sun came out but that was short lived. The first Train to cross my path was the Z-640 while I was crossing over the mill street bridge from getting gas, a quick right turn and down to Summit street to catch the ABC Railway crossing Summit street on it's way back to Brittain yard with the daily freight. The Conductor climbs back on board the 1502 after lining the switch back to proceed East After the A...