
Showing posts from October, 2016

Guilty but not guilty

  Good evening fellow railfans,  you may have been wondering about the title well it is my short title as the long title is guilty of watching trains but not guilty of failing to live up to your standards.  Since the beginning time people have tried to set some form of standard and make people feel inferior or guilty for not living up to it. From the Bible times to the present day society we classify things we do such as clothing, lifestyles and hobbies into what is deemed normal. For many years I have been hurt by rejections due to the fact I like trains. I have been told everything from grow up to something must be wrong with you. Society has always went with the IN-CROWD the cool kids, the ones with the most clout, the best clothes, the latest gadgets or who is the most popular kid/person in the group. For me growing up I never could be put into this class for the most part of my high school life I put work in trying to learn my trade as a carpen...


        For the most part I know you guys who follow me must have thought I dropped off the face of the earth, well I haven't or least I don't think I have. Honesty to tell the truth I have been busy with work, family and dealing with some personal issues that has been plaguing me. In the next few weeks I hope to get back to blogging and bringing you some new material and some new knowledge and encouragement. Since I feel like I kinda owe it to you here is a summary of my summer and beginning of Fall. This past summer was a hot one to say the least but I managed to get some pics anyhow. First trip of the summer I took our family on a trip to Alliance Ohio to a restaurant called Burger Hut. This little side attraction sits next to the Norfolk Southern Cleveland line and is a handy little spot to set and watch trains while eating lunch or dinner, and if you like fish they have all you can eat on Fridays ( I believe this is seasonal but I could be wrong)...