Road trip

I has been a while since my last post but I have just been too busy with dealing with life, work, weather,a car accident and other issues that has kept me from writing, hopefully you guys can look past this. Today's blog is about a trip I took to Bellevue Ohio with my buddy Dave. It began with a 4:15am alarm ringing I was on the road and picking Dave up at 6:00am for the hour and a half drive west. Once we got there we sat a while and watched some trains along with the sun rising up behind us. After a few trains we went to get snacks and what we considered breakfast when we came upon a Train changing crews and getting a inspection for a hot box. NS 218 at Flat Rock Road with a heritage unit in tow After the 218 we hit the road in a effort to capture a Wheeling train in the next town over. We got there in plenty of time, and we were joined by another railfan. Now it was a great location and light but it...