The eye of the tiger
In today's modern realm of Train Photography it seems that not only has everybody have advice to give but they are 100% right and nobody can be wrong. Well being around enough Photographers that do other things besides trains I have learned that there is really no right or wrong way and nobody is really right. Ok let's pick on me for example here is one shot of a conductor riding the car. The Ride Ok now for the skinny this pic is 2.5 stops underexposed why? I wanted to add the Drama of the conductor riding off into the sunrise, along with capturing the sky and fog details that otherwise be blown out. Was I wrong? Maybe to some, but to others I am a hero. It is all in the eye of the viewer. Now let's pick on another thing called Back-lighting In regular photography it is acceptable and is used quite extensively in model shots on beaches ( sorry I don't have any sexy models for you) but it seems you ask any 100 train picture buffs I almost guarantee 93 of them...